School User Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Exceed Teaching School Hub (ETSH) is run by Exceed Academies Trust and operates to their policies. Information about General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Policy can be found here: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) | Exceed Academies Trust ETSH and Exceed Academies Trust are committed to keeping your information secure and managing it in accordance with our legal responsibilities under data protection law. Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how organisations use any personal data that they hold about them. We comply with this right by providing privacy notices to individuals where we are processing their personal data.

This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about individuals who are registered with the ETSH Appropriate Body for the purpose of Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction.

Name and contact details of the organisation Exceed Teaching School Hub, Holybrook Training Campus, c/o Holybrook Primary School, Rillington Mead, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD10 0EF

T: 01274 611327 E:

Exceed Academies Trust is the ‘Data Controller’ for the purposes of data protection law. Evolution Internet Ltd is the ‘Data Processor’ for the purposes of data protection law.

The personal data we hold We process data relating to individuals who are registered with, or work for, ETSH as the Appropriate Body for ECT induction. We will only use the data for the purposes for which it was provided. Personal data that we may collect, use, store and share (when appropriate) about individuals will depend on their role in the process, and may include, but is not restricted to: • Account username • Name (& any previous names) • Telephone numbers • Address • Email address • Date of birth • Teacher Reference Number • Qualified Teacher Status information • Name of employing organisation • Nature of contract with employing organisation • Name of previous schools at which ECT induction was served • Start date of induction • Qualifications (training information) • Record of completing ECT induction training • Lesson observation forms • Meeting notes and actions forms • Teacher standards evidence forms • Professional review forms • Assessment forms • Personal support plans • Records of emails and telephone communications • Records of meetings and quality assurance visits

We may also collect, store and use information about ECTs that falls into "special categories" of more sensitive personal data. This includes information about: • Ethnicity • Trade union membership • Health, including any medical conditions and number of days absence during ECT induction

Why we use this data The purpose of processing this data is to allow ETSH to: • Register an ECT with the Teaching Regulation Agency • Register the outcome of induction with the Teaching Regulation Agency • Correspond with individuals about induction procedures and processes • Correspond with individuals about professional development events • Review completed formal assessments and communicate with ECTs and schools about these assessments • Produce anonymised reports of ECT numbers, phase, subjects and training providers for ETSH, which may be shared with other organisations such as Department for Education and Local Authorities. • Contact an individual or school • Ensure that all ECTs registered have Qualified Teacher Status • Ensure that the timescales for assessment due dates are recorded correctly • Ensure that any induction completed previously is taken into account • Ensure that relevant ECT Induction training has been completed • Review ECT Induction forms and support plans to ensure adequate support is being provided to the ECT in cases where concerns have been raised • Provide previous assessment forms to schools where an ECT moves schools during the induction period • Ensure that where support meetings have taken place the relevant records are available for future reference • To monitor when an extension to an ECT Induction period may be required due to the maximum number of days absence being exceeded • Enable equalities monitoring

Our lawful basis for using this data We only collect and use personal information about you when the law allows us to. ETSH carries out its work in the public interest, also known as ‘Public Task’. ETSH operates under the statutory frameworks of English educational legislation, and specifically the Education Act 2011. ETSH is an Appropriate Body for ECT Induction and operates under the Statutory Guidance for ECT Induction.

How we store this data Personal data is stored securely and backed-up by Evolution Internet Ltd (ECT Manager) on servers located in the UK. We will retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. In the case of ECTs we will retain data for 6 years after the date of induction completion in line with the statutory recommended minimum period. After 6 years the data will be permanently deleted from the system and cannot be retrieved.

Data sharing Initial Teacher Training providers may offer a support programme to those ECTs who are at risk of not meeting the Teachers’ Standards. We may pass your contact details to them but only with the prior consent of yourself and your school.

ETSH will inform the relevant Local Authorities of the names of schools, but not the individual ECTs, where there are ECTs teaching in Years 2 and 6 in order to enable them to meet their statutory duties for assessment and moderation.

ETSH will share the following data with the Teaching Regulation Agency: • Teacher Reference Number • Surname • First Name • Date of Birth • Induction Period Start Date • Induction Period End Date (date of pass or date of leaving establishment) • Induction Outcome (Pass or Fail) • Induction Period Number of Terms (number of assessment periods completed)

Data is shared with the TRA in order that the TRA are aware which Appropriate Body an ECT is registered with, how many assessment periods have been completed, when an ECT completes ECT Induction and the outcome. Once an ECT has successfully completed induction the TRA will make an Induction Certificate available to the ECT.

Should a Headteacher recommend that an ECT has not performed satisfactorily against the Teachers’ Standards for the completion of Induction in an ECT’s final assessment, and that decision goes to an ETSH or DfE panel, data will be shared with the panel members.

Transferring data internationally We do not transfer personal data outside of the UK.

Automated decision making We do not use automated decision making when processing data.

Your rights Individuals have a right to make a ‘subject access request’ to gain access to personal information that ETSH / Exceed Academies Trust holds about them. If you make a subject access request, and if we do hold information about you, we will: • Give you a description of it • Tell you why we are storing and processing it, and how long we will keep it for • Explain where we got it from, if not from you • Tell you who it has been, or will be, shared with • Let you know whether any automated decision-making is being applied to the data, and any consequences of this • Give you a copy of the information in an intelligible form

If you wish to make a subject access request, contact ETSH by email or by telephone (contact details are at the beginning of this privacy statement) and they will liaise with the Exceed Academies Trust Data Protection Officer. Individuals have the right to object to the processing of their personal data under the terms of our legal basis of ‘public task’, although this is not an absolute right. An individual must give specific reasons why they are objecting to the processing of their data.

If you wish to object to the processing of your data stored on ETSH ECT Manager contact ETSH by email or by telephone (contact details are at the beginning of this privacy statement).

Individuals have an absolute right to stop their data being used for direct marketing at any time.

If you wish ETSH to stop using your data stored on the ETSH ECT Manager website for direct marketing contact ETSH by email or by telephone (contact details are at the beginning of this privacy statement). You may also unsubscribe from marketing emails from ETSH at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email or by changing your settings in the ‘my account’ page of ECT Manager.

Concerns We take any concern about our collection and use of personal information very seriously.

If an individual has any concerns about how we are using their personal data then we ask that they contact our Data Protection Officer in the first instance. However an individual can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office should they consider this to be necessary, at

Trust policies Copies of the Trust’s policies are available online at